webOS Studio Introduction

webOS Studio is an Microsoft Visual Studio Code (VS Code) extension for webOS. Using this extension, developers easily start to make webOS apps/services (web app, Enact app, JS service).

For changes and updates, check the Change Log | VS Code marketplace.

Key features

Key features of webOS Studio are as follows:

  • Manage the lifecycle of webOS apps and services
  • Install webOS TV SDKs from VS Code
  • Suggest Luna APIs and assist you in completing methods and parameters
  • Provide many convenience features for webOS TV app development


This is the User Interface of webOS Studio. Screenshot of webOS Studio extension

APPS IN WORKSPACELists apps in the workspace. The workspace of webOS Studio is different from that of VS Code. For more details, refer to webOS Studio | VS Code marketplace.
KNOWN DEVICELists the known devices registered by webOS Studio or CLI. By default, a dummy emulator device is listed in the view.
PACKAGE MANAGERManages SDKs for webOS app development. See Package Manager.
SIMULATOR MANAGERLists the installed webOS TV Simulators. See Simulator Manager.
EMULATOR MANAGERLists installed images in VirtualBox Emulator. See Emulator Manager.
QUICK LAUNCHERLists links to webOS Studio documents and tools.
Command PaletteEnters and executes various commands (Shortcut: Ctrl + Shift + P).
Notification AreaShows notification messages for completion, errors, and more about the extension.
Status BarShows the current device profile.
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