Beanviser Introduction

Beanviser is a graphical tool that measures the performance of apps or services running on the actual webOS TV or the emulator.

Why should I use Beanviser?

We recommend that you use Beanviser to evaluate your app before deploying it live for commercial purposes. Beanviser allows you the check the CPU and memory consumption metrics, check the stability of the app, check for memory leaks, and so on.

It would be best to let Beanviser evaluate the app for a few days to give you a real-life view into the operation of the app.


A UDC (Usage Data Collection) feature is added on Beanviser from v1.5. This feature collects information about how the Beanviser is used and the data is used for enhancing the SDK quality. It does not collect any information that can uniquely identify you as an individual. You can leave us a request to have this feature turned off, on the Community or at

Main features of the Beanviser

Checks System-level CPU Usage

Provides graphical views for the following categories:

  • Overall usage
  • Usermode usage
  • Kernel mode usage
  • Other usage

Checks process-level CPU usage

Provides graphical views for the following categories:

  • JS service
  • Native service
  • The app you installed
  • System processes (processes that do not belong to the other groups).

This feature is not supported on webOS TV 1.x and 2.x.

Checks system-level memory usage

Provides graphical views for the following categories:

  • System memory
  • Memory buffer
  • Swap memory

Checks process-level memory usage

Provides graphical views for the following categories:

  • JS service
  • Native service
  • The app you installed
  • System processes (processes that do not belong to the other groups).

This feature is not supported on webOS TV 1.x and 2.x.

Gets media information

Provides details about the media played on the target device. The details include:

  • Media metadata
  • Media buffer chart
  • Media bitrate chart

This feature is available from Beanviser v1.5.

Gets network information

Provides details about the network used on the target device. The details include:

  • Details about packets sent and received.
  • The number of TCP/UDP sockets along with their socket descriptors information.

This feature is available from Beanviser v1.5.

Compares log files

Allows you to compare log files taken at different times.

  • Logs must be of the same type.
  • For example, you can compare a system CPU log with a system CPU log, but not a system CPU log with a system memory log.
  • To acquire log files, in the relevant tab, click STOP to stop measuring and then click SAVE to get the log file in the [Beanviser-installation-path]/logs directory. The log file name specifies the timestamp and the log type.

From Beanviser v1.5, the comparison displays only a trend of the data.

Provides summarized overview

Provides a summarized view of all the information it collects. You can export this information as a PDF file onto the local system. This information is available on the Overview tab and is updated on a real-time basis while measuring is active.

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