TV Device Information

Service URI - luna://

Provides a method for retrieving TV system information. This API is used to check the version of webOS TV and its features.


MethodDescriptionSupported in Emulator
getSystemInfoRetrieves the system information with keys.Yes



Retrieves the system information with keys that are specified in an array as a parameter. Following keys are available:

Key NameDescriptionTypeUser AgreementsSupported webOS TV Version
boardTypeBoard type is used to check the chipset. The result string has the following format.
  • [Chipset]_[DTV Standard]_[Country Code]
    • Example: "H15_ATSC_US", "M14_ATSC_KR", "LM15U_ATSC_KR"
  • The following values are available for DTV Standard
    • ATSC: Advanced Television System Committee
    • DVB: Digital Video Broadcasting
    • ARIB: ISDB (Integrated Services Digital Broadcasting) maintained by the Japanese organization ARIB (Association of Radio Industries and Businesses).
Note. This property is not supported in the emulator.
StringNot requiredSince webOS TV 2.0
firmwareVersionFirmware versionStringRequiredSince webOS TV 1.2
modelNameModel name
  • Example: "LB6700AKR"
StringRequiredSince webOS TV 1.2
sdkVersionwebOS TV SDK version
  • Example: "1.3.0", "2.0.0"
StringNot requiredSince webOS TV 1.2
UHDWhether supports Ultra HD resolution
  • true: Supports UHD resolution.
  • false: Not supported.
StringNot requiredSince webOS TV 1.2
_3dWhether supports 3D video
  • true: Supports 3D video.
  • false: Not supported.
StringNot requiredSince webOS TV 1.2


keysRequiredString arrayAn array of key names for retrieving system information.
  • Example: ["boardType", "projectName"]
subscribeOptionalBooleanFlag that decides whether to subscribe or not. If you enabled the subscription, you will get an event when every system information you specified is changed.
  • true: Subscribe
  • false: Do not subscribe. Call the method only once. (Default)

Call returns

returnValueRequiredBooleanFlag that indicates success/failure of the request.
  • true: Success
  • false: Failure
errorCodeOptionalStringerrorCode contains the error code if the method fails. The method will return errorCode only if it fails.
See the Error Codes Reference of this method for more details.
errorTextOptionalStringerrorText contains the error text if the method fails. The method will return errorText only if it fails.
See the Error Codes Reference of this method for more details.
[key name]*OptionalStringIf getSystemInfo method succeeds, the paired key-value that you specified will be returned.


  • If you used a wrong key or error occurs, no result data will be returned for that key.
  • If you subscribe more than one key, you will receive the result data for whole keys at the first return. After the first return, you will receive the result data for each key when corresponding system information is changed.

Error reference

Error CodeError Message
ERROR_06Invalid argument
ERROR_10Resource temporarily unavailable
ERROR_99JSON format error


// One-time call
var request = webOS.service.request(
    method: 'getSystemInfo',
    parameters: {
      keys: ['modelName', 'firmwareVersion', 'UHD', 'sdkVersion'],
    onComplete: function (inResponse) {
      var isSucceeded = inResponse.returnValue;

      if (isSucceeded) {
        console.log('Result: ' + JSON.stringify(inResponse));
        // To-Do something
      } else {
        console.log('Failed to get TV device information');
        // To-Do something

// Subscription
var subscriptionHandle;

subscriptionHandle = webOS.service.request(
    method: 'getSystemInfo',
    parameters: {
      keys: ['modelName', 'firmwareVersion', 'UHD', 'sdkVersion'],
      subscribe: true,
    onComplete: function (inResponse) {
      var isSucceeded = inResponse.returnValue;

      if (typeof inResponse.subscribed != 'undefined') {
        if (!inResponse.subscribed) {
          console.log('Failed to subscribe TV device information');

      if (isSucceeded) {
        console.log('Result: ' + JSON.stringify(inResponse));
        // To-Do something
      } else {
        console.log('Failed to TV device information');
        // To-Do something
// If you need to unsubscribe the data, use cancel() method as below

Return example

// Success return
    "returnValue" : true,
    "modelName" : "WEBOS1",
    "firmwareVersion" : "3.00.00",

// Failure return
    "returnValue" : false,
    "errorCode" : "ERROR_06",
    "errorText" : "Invalid argument."

// Subscription example

// First response
    "returnValue" : true, 
    "modelName" : "WEBOS1", 
    "firmwareVersion" : "3.00.00" 

// When modelName is changed to "WEBOS2"
    "returnValue" : true, 
    "modelName" : "WEBOS2" 

// When firmwareVersion is changed to "3.02.00"
    "returnValue": true, 
    "firmwareVersion" : "3.02.00" 

See also


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